Product name : Aptisyp
Generic Name : Appetite Stimulant
Manufacturer : Macleods PharmaceuticalsLtd
Itis found to be beneficial in treating dengue.
Alongwith this, it used in treatment and prevention of the following disease:
Gastro intestinal disease
Warts and corns
Cancer and tumour
Mensuration problems
Generally, no side effects are reported iftaken in the appropriate amount as directed by the physician.
If taken in large amount can cause followingside effects in some people:
Stomach irritation
Stay at home and avoidpublic places as a mosquito could bite you which will give it your infection.This will then get carried around, and dengue can spread instantly.
Do not let any kind ofwater collect in your surroundings or open spaces. Keep your room dry andclean.
Keep screens installedon windows; not to let mosquitoes enter the house, especially in the laterafternoon and early morning.
Try to use mosquito netswhile going to sleep.