The dependableantidiarrheal
Antimicrobial and antidiarrheal: Diarex contains a host of natural ingredientswith antimicrobial and astringent properties. It eliminates commonmicroorganisms responsible for acute and chronic infectious diarrhea.
Ensures gastrointestinal (GI) health: As an antioxidant, Diarex restores GI health. Diarexs anti-inflammatoryand demulcent properties facilitate healing of the intestinal mucosa, and itsantispasmodic action alleviates abdominal colic associated with bowelinfection.
Acute and chronic amoebiasis
Ayurveda texts and modern research back the following facts:
Coneru (Kutaja) is apotent astringent that is helpful in the treatment of amoebic dysentery anddiarrhea. It inhibits the growth of salmonella (the genus that causessalmonellosis) and shigella (the genus that causes dysentery).
Please consultyour physician to prescribe the dosage that best suits the condition.
Diarex is notknown to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.