Generic MedicinesGeneric Medicines are the medications, which incorporate the same active ingredient in the identical amount as a brand-name medicine. In this way, these drugs have the kindred effect on the body in terms of treating disease as the brand-name medications which they copy. These may also include assorted inactive ingredients, which give the product its shape texture, taste, smell but do not affect the body. Offered Generic drugs range includes many tablets, capsules, creams, ointments and drops, which are used for treating bacterial infections, allergies, eczema, fever, cold, blisters, hair loss and various other bodily disorders.
Key Points: 1) Cannot be marketed at a cost higher than the branded medicines. 2) Inexpensive alternatives for consumer as well as government. 3) Sold under the distinctive brand name. 4) Recommended by doctors on account of their quality remedial effects. |