Product name : Supplima
Generic Name : L-GlutamineVitamin A,C,E&Selenium
Manufacturer : Joras
A non-essential amino acid present abundantly throughout thebody and is involved in many metabolic processes. It is synthesized fromglutamic acid and ammonia. It is the principal carrier of nitrogen in the bodyand is an important energy source for many cells. [PubChem]
Human growth hormone -Concomitant use of L-glutamine (Supplima) and human growthhormone may enhance nutrient absorption in those with severe short bowelsyndrome. L-glutamine (Supplima) has orphan drug status for this indication.Indomethacin - Concomitant use of L-glutamine (Supplima) and indomethacin mayameliorate increased intestinal permeability caused by indomethacin. Thereported dose used for L-glutamine (Supplima) was 21 grams daily taken individed doses three times a day. Further, misoprostol is reported to have asynergistic effect with this combination in ameliorating intestinalpermeability.
Retinol and derivatives ofretinol that play an essential role in metabolic functioning of the retina, thegrowth of and differentiation of epithelial tissue, the growth of bone,reproduction, and the immune response. Dietary Vitamin A (Supplima) is derivedfrom a variety of carotenoids found in plants. It is enriched in the liver, eggyolks, and the fat component of dairy products.
Nausea, Shortness ofbreath, Facial swelling, Headache, Scaling of skin, Skin redness, Skinswelling, Itching, Diarrhoea
The intravenousadministration. Hypervitaminosis A. Sensitivity to any of the ingredients inthis preparation. Use in Pregnancy: Safety of amounts exceeding 6,000 Units ofVitamin A (Supplima) daily during pregnancy has not been established at thistime. The use of Vitamin A (Supplima) in excess of the recommended dietaryallowance may cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. Animalreproduction studies have shown fetal abnormalities associated with overdosagein several species. Malformations of the central nervous system, the eye, thepalate, and the urogenital tract are recorded.