Product Description
Brahmi is a general medicine suitable for adults, available in tablet form. Each tablet contains 300-450 mg of the active ingredient. It is recommended to store Brahmi at room temperature. This product is commonly used to improve memory, reduce anxiety, and treat attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Brahmi is also known for its potential to reduce stress and improve cognitive function.
Q: What is the recommended dosage for Brahmi?
A: The recommended dosage for Brahmi is 300-450 mg per day.
Q: What is the physical form of Brahmi?
A: Brahmi is available in tablet form.
Q: What are the storage instructions for Brahmi?
A: Brahmi should be stored at room temperature.
Q: What is the primary use of Brahmi?
A: Brahmi is commonly used to improve memory, reduce anxiety, and treat ADHD.
Q: Is Brahmi suitable for children?
A: No, Brahmi is suitable for adults only.