ProductName : Ondem
GenericName : Zofran (Ondem by Alkem)
Manufacturer: Alkem Laboratories Ltd
OndemTablets by Alkem (Generic Zofran) - Product Information
OndemTablets are used to help stop the nausea (sick feeling) and vomiting, which cantake place after certain treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Theyare also used for the prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting, whichcan occur after a surgery. Ondem tablets are manufactured by Alkem Laboratoriesin the strengths of 4 mg and 8 mg.
Ondem Tablets - Dosage
Donot take more doses, or take them more frequently than your doctor prescribes.If, however, you vomit within one hour of taking the medicine, you should takethe same amount of medicine again. Please take the exact quantity of medicineprescribed for you. Swallow each tablet with a drink of water. Do not use themedication in larger amounts, or use it for longer or shorter than recommendedby your doctor.
The recommended dosage of Ondem Tablets (Generic Zofran) to treat variousindications is given below:
Emetogenic Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy:
The recommended oral dose of Generic Zofran is 8 mg one to two hours beforetreatment, followed by 8 mg orally 12 hours later. The recommended oral dose is8 mg to be taken twice daily. To protect against delayed or prolonged emesisafter the first 24 hours, oral treatment with Ondansetron should be continuedfor up to 5 days after a course of treatment.
Ondem Tablets (Generic Zofran) - Interactions
Aswith most other medications, interactions with other drugs are possible.Inorder to prevent potentially life-threatening reactions tell your doctorabout all the medications you take, including those prescribed by other doctorsand that vitamins, minerals, natural supplements, alternative medicines andover the counter medications. It is important that your doctor knows about allyour medication so that you get the best possible treatment. Please inform yourdoctor if you are taking carbamazepine, phenytoin, or rifampicin.
SideEffects of Ondem Tablets
Themost common side effects of Ondem tablets (Generic Zofran) in adults arediarrhea, headaches, a sensation of warmth or flushing, constipation, and fever.Although uncommon, low blood pressure and hiccups have also been reported.These are all mild side effects, and while there is no need to stop taking yourmedicine, you should tell your doctor about these symptoms at your next visit.
UncommonSide Effects
RareSide Effects
Ondem Tablets (Generic Zofran) - Warnings & Precautions
Youshould not use this medicine if you are allergic to ondansetron or any inactiveingredient present in Ondem (Generic Zofran), to similar medicines such asdolasetron (Anzemet), granisetron (Kytril), or palonosetron (Aloxi). Do nottake this medicine if you are also using apomorphine (Apokyn).
Patients should be made aware of the possibility of serotonin syndrome withsimultaneous use of Ondem (Generic Zofran) and another serotonergic agent suchas medications to treat depression and migraines.